Salaam and hello to everyone
So winter’s begun, and there’s nothing better than a crackling fire in the fireplace to warm up the house, and perhaps a pot of chunky soup with crusty bread to warm up the tummy!
Its that time of the year where we get out our jackets and jerseys, scarves, gloves, caps and shawls, and of course our boots. Its a great time for shopping too 😉
Its also that time year where I’d rather be cuddling under the blankets and watching movies or reading a book, instead of getting up and going to work!
However there are a few events taking place and for those of us who would like to go out, perhaps you’d consider going to one of these events. I’ll be listing them weekly so keep checking back to be updated.
There’s the march against the ban of the Niqaab in France on the 20th May 2011 as mentioned in my previous post.
On the 22nd May 2011, Ask Nanima is hosting a Home Industry Expo at the Botanical Gardens in Emmarentia. Lots of fun for the kids, shopping for the ladies, fishing for the men and food for all!
Also, they’ll be collecting kitchen appliances, toys and clothes for various charities/hospitals/ orphanages! So if you have anything to donate please take it along.
If you’re into books, a great book has just been released by Shubnum Khan, a local author, which is called Onion Tears*.
Its available from Exclusive Books.
More events will be listed soon.
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