السلام عليكم و رحمةالله و بركاته
With Gaza constantly under attack by the Zionists of Israel, it is time for us all to take a stand.
When I say all, I mean all of us as humanity. It doesn’t matter if you’re Black, White, Coloured, Indian, Arab, Asian, European, etc, nor does it matter whether you’re Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Tamil, Hindu, Jewish, or even Athiest, etc.
Killing of men, women & children, detaining them for no reason, beating them, etc, should NEVER be OK with anyone.
The fact that Jerusalem is sacred to the 3 major religions of the world should be something that draws us closer to one another, not separate us further.
If your heart aches even a little bit for the suffering felt by these people, please attend the rally.
And if you are unable to attend it, please forward this message further so that everyone becomes aware of what’s happening in Gaza, insha Allah.
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في أمان الله