The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H

Busy people with busy lives…

It amazes me that so often we’re so busy with either work, or building a relationship or with events and functions, that we tend to forget about our friends and making time for these special people.

This past year has been rather eventful for me, and not all of it was good. From staying with a friend, attending parties, going to amazing places and spending time with some people that I value, to the loss of my grandmother, and friends of family, and the end of a year long relationship.

Throughout all of this, I’d realised that I didn’t make enough time to spend with the people that have always been at my side through trials and tribulations and yet they’ve welcomed me back with open arms.

Not only did I come to find out how much I missed them, but was told how much they’ve missed me!!

So along with my other resolution for this year, which is to lose weight and be healthier, another one would be to spend more time with those who appreciate and love me.

And for those who pretend to care only when in need of something like money… I’m saying goodbye, you’re a leech I just don’t need!

Here’s to making more exciting plans, to seeing friends, to making new ones and maintaining old friendships…and here’s to having fun in fabulous places, with wonderful people, and delicious but healthy food.

Here’s to what life should be about… Wishing one and all a fabulous life!!


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