I’m sure a lot of people are curious as to why muslims wish one another ‘Jumuah Mubarak’ on Fridays.
The easiest explanation would be that Fridays are celebratory for us as its not only our chosen day of worship, but it is a day when some of us are fortunate enough to spend the day with our family at home. And if not the whole day, than at least from 12pm to 2pm we take off work to pray, and have a quick lunch with the family and than return to work.
Its a day whereupon we have blessings from Allah (God) showered upon us and His Rahmah (Mercy) is granted to those that turn to Him in sincerity and humility and beg for His Forgiveness and Guidance, and pray to Him to fulfil our needs.
Spending time with loved ones on this blessed day of Friday is like a mini Eid.
The days on which we celebrate the end of Ramadhaan, the Islamic fasting month, and Day of Sacrifice, where we slaughter either a sheep, goat, bull or camel to commemorate that great gesture of Ebrahim (alayhis salaam), Abraham, who was willing to follow Allah’s (God’s) commandment and slaughter his son Ismaa’eel (alayhis salaam), Ishma’el.
The fact that we spend these Special Days with our family is what makes it special, and it strengthens familial ties and reminds you that family is important.
(My favourite part of Jumuah is going home to mom’s wonderful aromatic dishes and being with my family. Nothing beats a Jumuah lunch!! Whether its curry and rice, khurikitchri, biryani, aknee, pilaau, etc. its always delicious!)
And so to all that reads this blog, I wish u a blessed Friday, and a wonderful weekend.
Jumuah Mubarak
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