السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Today, 30th July 2022, was the Jozi Books & Blogs Festival.
This is a festival I love attending every year.
The knowledge shared between the many panelists with us was quite enjoyable and informative.
The fact that the festival was held online, made it more enjoyable as you could pick the sessions that you wanted to attend.
I particularly enjoyed ‘ The importance of telling our stories with authors’. Having been a long time fan of Shubnum Khan, authoress of Onion Tears and her memoir, ‘How I Accidentally Became A Global Stock Photo’, I liked her responses and advice on writing.
Listening to Quraisha Dawood, authoress of ‘Stirring The Pot’, I have become more intrigued to read her book. I say more intrigued as I first read about it via a Twitter book club.
It has also come highly recommended by one of my favourite Twitter and Blog personalities, Verushka Ramasami, aka the Spice Goddess.
So naturally I’ve ordered it and am awaiting it’s arrival.
The ‘ Social Media ‘ segment was also interesting.
Discussing things like reviews and building a brand, was informative.
I am looking forward to next year’s festival, and to interacting with the panelists and many other people attending the festival.
If you love books and blogs and learning something new from authors and bloggers, as well as social media personalities, I suggest following JOZIBBF, via this Facebook link.
Did you attend or would you attend a festival like this? I’d love to hear why you would or wouldn’t, so be sure to comment and let us know.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
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