The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hi everyone

Has anyone heard of IRSA? Its short for Islamic Relief South Africa. Or perhaps just Islamic Relief?

If not, that’s ok.

Islamic Relief is a Charity Organisation which is Worldwide. It helps out in times when disasters, either naturally or man made, strike.
Although it is an Islamic organisation, it serves all people, of all religions, all places, and all cultures.

They do amazing work and its not only during the disasters that they help out, but also afterwards in order to help those that need everything from Medical attention to Food and Clothes.

On the 26th of May 2012, Islamic Relief held a fundraising dinner at the Sultan Bahu Hall in Mayfair, Johannesburg.

I was quite impressed by the work the volunteers had put in to make the evening a success as the hall was decorated beautifully, the food was delicious and hearty, and many speeches were given.

It is through those insightful, heartwrenching speeches and photos, which brought tears to the eyes of many attendees, that people opened not only their wallets, but also their hearts in order to raise funds to help those in desperate need of the basics of life.

Islamic Relief Worldwide is in need of assistance, and I sincerely appeal to anyone out there who is able to donate anything you can afford, to help out.

I do try to do as much charity and volunteer work as I can, but never had I seen people suffering so much, starving… and children so malnourished that their mother’s sit by their sides and when one asks why, their reply is ‘I’m waiting for my child to die’.
All because they haven’t any food and end up eating things like dried grass.
Babies cannot survive long and so with a lack of milk, their tiny bodies give up the battle after a small period of time.

Even water is a luxury for these people and children. Something which is so basic, and which we take for granted all the time, even that they do not have.
In a village in Sudan I think it was, the villagers dug a whole in the ground and when it rained, the villagers as well as animals would go to this hole to drink water, brown muddy water, but water nonetheless.

Please open your heart, and help Islamic Relief to alleviate at least one person’s suffering, one child’s suffering.

Their local website is
The international website is

Let’s make a difference and help create a poverty and suffering free world by taking even the smallest of steps together.

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