اسلام عليكم و رحمةالله وبركاته
With fashion playing such a huge role in many a Muslimah’s life, companies have begun to come up with ways to entice us with the wearing of nail polish.
Now we know as Muslims, that nail Polish is not allowed due to the fact that it prevents water from touching the cuticles and the nail itself.
As a common everyday person, it is my understanding that 90% of things that adheres to another thing, has a bonding agent and in order for the bonding agent to do its purpose, it needs to be water proof.
So I got a bottle of both ‘halaal’ nail polishes, one by Inglot and one by Aquarelle, and I’ve done a simple home test on toilet paper.
After applying 2 coats of nail polish on to the toilet paper, as is instructed on the boxes, I let it dry thoroughly.
I then applied some water droplets on to the painted areas and waited to see if it would penetrate the nail polish.
And I waited… And waited … And waited…
About an hour and 15 mins later, the drops had dried up.
It did not penetrate through the nail polish at all.
So my dear sisters, I beg of you to not put your imaan, cleanliness and accepted prayers at risk.
I know some people will disagree with my findings, and that’s fine.
But this is the proof I needed. And I got it.
Always had my doubts.
Just want to know if I could post this to my facebook fan page?
Yes, you’re more than welcome to post it. Shukran
I completely agree with you. “Halaal” nail polish does not exist. I always encourage that if sisters want to use nail polish use the normal one and just remove it at the time of wudhu or during the period that you do not need to read salaah. Yes that will mean you won’t be wearing it as often as possible but it really isn’t so important in our lives.