The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H

A quick salaam and hello to everyone.

This weekend there’s a Cake Sale being held by the Lenasia Muslim Women’s League on the 4th of June 2011 at the Signet Terrace Shopping Centre.
The cake sale begins at 9am and all funds raised go towards their community upliftment projects.

Bona Magazine is hosting its Bona Food For Fun & Funds Event on Saturday 4th June 2011 at the Gold Reef City Casino & Conference Centre.
Registration is from 8:30am.
It begins at 9:30am and finishes off at 3:30pm.
Cost: R150.00 pp and includes snacks, lunch, the latest Bona Magazine, and a goodie bag worth over R200.00.
A Baking Competition will also be held, so if interested, take your baked goods with for judging by the chefs. Prizes will be from Nestle, Golden Cloud, All Gold, and Nedbank.

On the 5th of June 2011 Al Hudaar’s Fundraising Lunch takes place in Ext 1, Lenasia at Alpha Primary’s Hall. Please support this venture as they care for orphaned children and are raising funds to build a Muslim School for them to attend.
Tickets are R200.00 and the lunch begins at 11:00am.

Tchau for now…

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