السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Hi everyone
I want to wish you Eid Mubarak.
It is Eidul Adha, also known as Baqri Eid.

This is a different Eid from Eidul Fitr which was celebrated at the end of Ramadhaan.
We are currently in the month of Zil – Hajj and will be celebrating Eidul Adha, all around the world, God willing.
This time will be similar to last year, as we are still in lockdown and need to adhere to social distancing restrictions while performing our religious rites to the best of our abilities and capabilities.
I’ve seen innovative ways in which some people, organisations and Masjids are offering to do your Qurbani or sacrifice.
With technology, we are able to witness our Qurbani without having to leave our home.
Isn’t that amazing? Subhanallah (All praises are due to Allah)
There will be a marked difference in the atmosphere of Eidul Adha as well.
Although we are not able to be with all our family, and there will be no big family dinners or lunches really being held, we still get excited and make this time of the year one of expanding our knowledge.
For many people, its hard to understand why we perform certain rites during Hajj and why we slaughter sheep, goats, bulls/cows and camels.
Last year I came across a rather terribly headlined article by a particular newspaper, which quite frankly displayed their lack of respect for Islam as a religion and lack of knowledge as a whole, as they could have easily learned the reason as to why we slaughter particular animals at Eidul Adha, without having to resort to vulgarity in their criticism.
The slaughtering of an animal is based on the emulation of Prophet Ibrahim (Alayhis Salaam), aka Prophet Abraham, who was commanded by Allah Ta’aala, God Almighty, to sacrifice his only son, Isma’eel (Alayhis Salaam), aka Ishmael ( May he be blessed). As the blade was about to slice the throat of Isma’eel A.S., a ram was placed in his stead and so Ibrahim A.S. slaughtered the ram instead of his son.

We emulate this action every year as it is a RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENT and those who criticize it, need to look deeper into the story of Hazrat Ibrahim Alayhis Salaam aka Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him. Look at his willingness to obey the command of his Lord and Creator. Look at his son’s faith and willingness to be sacrificed, and his maturity and how he encouraged his father to follow his Lord’s command.
Could any father today be willing to sacrifice his child?
Would any child today be able and willing to not just be sacrificed but to encourage their father to do it as well?
The main practices of our Hajj and Umrah or Pilgrimage rituals are based upon the actions of Ibrahim (Alayhis Salaam) and his wife Hajar (Alayhis Salaam), God be pleased with them.
If you have any questions regarding the sacrificing of the animals for Eidul Adha, please be sure to comment below and I will reply.
Have a wonderful Eid, and a wonderful week.
عيد سعيد
وعليكم السلام و رحمةالله و بركاته
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