السلام عليكم و رحمةالله و بركاته
I have just realized that my post on wishing everyone a blessed Eid Mubarak did not load due to network problems recently.
I do apologies and I hope everyone had a blessed Eid, filled with lots of Barakah, joy and most importantly, following in footsteps of making your own sacrifice, which is your duty, if you are able to afford it.
The most unique thing about Eid for me, was the fact that I got to slaughter my own sheep for the very first time in my life.
Usually my dad does it for all of us, but it was quite an experience and made the concept of sacrifice all the more real for me.
What was your Eid like? I’d love to hear about it, so please do comment and share your experience with fellow readers.
Back to the other part of the topic, Aashurah is coming up.
And for those sisters who would like to take part in it this year, please do send in your Information to me, so I can set it up within the next few days.
Last year’s Gift Exchange was such a success, Alhamdulillah , aside from a hiccup or two.
This year I would love to include children, so if your little ones, or older kids, would like to take part, it would be wonderful.
The information required is as follows:
Contact number and alternative number
Email address
A short note about yourself and 3 types of things you love, or that interest you.
The aim of this once again, is to bring sisters or brothers in Islam, together by getting to know someone from a different area, province or even a different country.
Please note that females will be matched to females and males will be matched to males.
Please do keep in mind that the Postal service in South Africa is yet again on strike… Yes it’s very annoying and totally inconveniences everyone, as everything arrives very, very late, if at all.
If possible, please try and use a courier service.
All emails are to be sent to theturquoisescarf@gmail.com by the 18th of October 2014, insha Allah.
Replies will be sent out by the 22nd of October 2014, if not earlier.
I look forward to all the comments and emails that you send in.
Have a wonderful week further.
وعليكم السلام و رحمةالله وبركاته