The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H

Hi all

As you all probably know by now, I’ve been busy studying and baking etc.

Well, I decided I needed to explore the decorating side of baking and so have organised a cupcake decorating workshop!

Its not expensive and trust me the knowledge you’ll gain is going to last you a lifetime.

After all with Eid, Diwali, Deepawali, Christmas and New Year and lots of other parties and events coming up, who wouldn’t want to have some gorgeous cupcakes on their tables??

For more details email me on

Also, there’s a twitter competition running @FairyDustDeligh

If you’re in Johannesburg and would like to win some awesome cupcakes, be sure to enter!

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

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2 thoughts on “Cupcake Decorating Workshop In Lenasia!!

  1. Hi,

    would you be having any other workshops besides lenasia.

    What is the cost of this workshop.

    1. Hi Rukea

      What type of workshops are you interested in? I maybe able host them. please send me an email on and I will send you all the information you require. Please state the area you’re in, as well as any other information you would like from me. I’ll include details of the upcoming class in my reply to you.


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