The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H

السلام عليكم و رحمةالله و بركاته

It’s been a few years now that I’ve been following a number of charity and other types of organizations via Twitter and newsletters.

Recently I became aware of how much publicity these foundations don’t get, which is quite a sad thing especially if they aren’t very well known throughout the country as a whole.

Some of the ones standing out, and I think I’ve done past posts on, will be Islamic Relief, for example.
Our local one in our community is Saaberie Chisty, which offers free ambulance service to those in need, as well as ghusl and burial services for our fellow Muslim brothers & sisters that have passed on.

Personally, I love getting involved in attending fundraisers and events, etc. no, not to show off or take pride in it, but because I know how many people and children suffer. It’s not easy in today’s times to make ends meet, nor to provide for ones family.
Thankfully, Allah (God) has blessed us with many people who are very well off financially and who know the value of sharing some what they possess with the less fortunate.
Helping these people also brings one back down to earth. It makes one humble, and you learn to appreciate all you have.

While going through my Twitter account, I came across this tweet,

I instantly felt I could do my bit in helping this wonderful organization.


Here’s a bit of background about Newkidz On The Block as sent by Michael:

Newkidz on the Block is based in Cape Town and transforms the lives of orphans, vulnerable and destitute people in South Africa. The primary focus is on children, although we also undertake some projects with adults in shelters. The organisation helps to create awareness of, and generate support for such people, aiming to integrate many of the children into loving family homes.

Newkidz on the Block carries out vital upgrades and makeover projects on children’s homes, foster family accommodation, shelters for abused women and children, and ECD centres, drawing on the services of large numbers of volunteers. The organisation networks with an extensive network of potential sponsors, which it approaches for the materials needed to complete the projects. These projects offer an excellent alternative to the usual corporate team-building and/or CSI project, as the impact on participants’ morale is immeasurable. Companies participating in this way also stand to benefit at a corporate level, as they receive a section 18A tax certificate and could improve their BEE scores, due to the demographic of the project beneficiaries.

Post makeover, Newkidz on the Block maintains contact with the transformed facility, offering training and guidance to ensure the high standards are maintained. Sustainability is integral to the vision and mission of the organisation. To this end, Newkidz on the Block targets facilities that clearly have the beneficiary’s best interests at heart. Newkidz on the Block encourages sustainable child-support networks within communities by linking interested parties with foster families, children’s homes and marginalized early childhood development (ECD) centres. We promote the practice of foster care, adoption and hosting of children and provide guidance to foster families via our established networks.

Money that is raised via our donors, sale of donated items, fundraisers and fundraising activists is used to create awareness of orphans in South Africa


For more information, checkout the Newkidz website for more information.

Considering that many of the organizations like this one does rely on donations as well as sales from donated goods, I would like to appeal to everyone to try and support Newkidz in some way.
Donations don’t have to be only in the form of money or goods, being a volunteer and donating time to a worthy cause like this is also a great way of helping and doing your soul some good.

I would love to know what charities and organizations you, my awesome readers, are all involved in, what they do, as well what made you want to get involved with them.

و عليكم السلام و رحمةالله وبركاته


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