Hi and salaam to all
Sjoe! I’ve just noticed how few and far between my posts have become.
Apologies for that.
The reason I’ve been rather delayed with posts is because I’ve been focused on achieving 2 particular goals of mine.
I want to be a professional baker as well as finishing my diploma in Event and Wedding Management.
I looooooooovee baking and cooking.
And for the past 10 months, I’ve been avidly attending classes by a particular person.
(Unfortunately I’ll no longer be attending any of her classes as she’s gone on to tell people that I’m apparently rich so she doesn’t know for what I’m baking nor do I need the money, oh and I’ll buy anything… Seriously, the nerve of some people! )
So anyway I’ve switched to another person who has incredible talent and isn’t so petty nor full of assumptions.
Since I’m based in Lenasia, which is south of Johannesburg, I’ve recently launched a blog site in which everyone can view the things I make 🙂
I’m quite rather proud of it, so I’d love for you to have a look and send in your comments and criticisms (be kind please).
The address is www.fairydustdelights.com
If you’re on Twitter, feel free to follow @FairyDustDeligh
(Sounds weird, I know, but it wouldn’t accept the last 2 letters… Lol)
On the other side, I’ve been busy with assignments, and studies.
And I’ve been doing all of this on Saturday afternoons and Sundays as I work Monday to Friday, & Saturday until 12pm..
Talk about hectic! But I’m glad that I’m enjoying these challenges and though I try to still make time for all of my friends and retain some semblance of a social life , it seems I’ve begun using my calendar/day planner more than ever.
Big thanks to Blackberry for helping me manage everything!
So there you have it, no excuses, although I will begin to make every effort to put up many more posts in future.
Until next time, have a wonderful time in all you do.
Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.