The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H

Its Monday 10th of January 2011.

When I realised that this morning, all I wanted to do is pull the duvet over my head and go back to sleep..!

Unfortunately reality wouldn’t allow that and so I got up inorder to answer the bell at the door which had just rung.

So off I go in ‘pantoffels’ and gown to answer the bell and let the maid in.

And so begins my work day, I begin at 9am so I grab a quick coffee and sandwich and I’m out the door..

I had already made some resolutions for this year and I so want to keep them, but I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to carry it through…

I have a goal to lose weight, and become more fit, go out and socialise more, learn at least one foreign language and to travel much much more!
So far I’ve got the travelling bit down, 😉

I’ve been to Cape Town for 11 days, and my next trip will either be to Zanzibar or Madagascar…or Bali and Phuket… I haven’t quite decided yet as you can see…lol.

So back to my goal of loosing weight and getting I’ve had a weight problem pretty much since I was about 8 yrs old.
So I’m going to be signing up for a diet and will be posting updates so we’ll all be seeing if it works or not..

I’m still looking for a foreign language school in Southern Johannesburg… will see how that works out.

Wishing everyone everything of the best and hoping that you all keep to your New Years resolutions too.

Tchau for now

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