The Turquoise Scarf

An Islamic Lifestyle & Travel Blog by Rubina_H


السلام عليكم و رحمةالله و بركاته

Dear bloggers

I realize that this is a bit late but I’ve recently just had an interesting idea on how to make this Aashurah unique.

As we know, Islamically gift giving is encouraged as it strengthens ties with kith and kin.

It is my idea that this year and hopefully, انشاالله in future years to come, that we take the initiative to follow upon this sunnah.

What I am proposing is a ‘ Secret Sister’ for females to exchange gifts, and for men, you will have a ‘Secret Brother’.

The idea is that, if you do sign up for this, you will send in an email to, containing your name, gender , blog name, full postal address and a short description of your likes/ hobbies.

I will then pair up sisters separately and brothers separately, and forward you the name and address of the person who is your ‘Secret Sister’ or ‘Secret Brother’.

This is purely for the pleasure of Allah, and I ask you to please fulfill your part in sending the gift with, perhaps a note containing contact details so the receiver may thank you.

In this way, may we be able foster and strengthen ties with one another and perhaps even become good friends and better sisters/ brothers within Islam انشأ الله.

I look forward to your participation.

Let’s make this Aashurah, a unique one.
This is open to all participants from around the world.

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4 thoughts on “Aashurah Gift Exchange

  1. Would love to be a part of this wonderful sunnat. I’m based in Plettenberg Bay RSA

    1. As salaamu alaikum

      It’s wonderful that you’d like to participate.

      This year’s exchange is already done, however, I could keep you on for next year in sha Allah?

      Please email the requested details as well as a contact number through to me.

      Jazakallahu Khair

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